The Forest Midwife is impacting very diverse audiences. Our screenings were visited by people from media, farming community, academia and arts as well as by biodiversity experts, garden enthusiasts, educators and community representatives. Many of them contributed to our short survey. Here are some of the comments and reactions we’ve received:
“It is a very inspirational piece, illustrating how one person can make a difference with their actions and inspire others. Already working on ways to plant more trees in our area.”
“I still have about an acre left unplanted, grazing it at present, and I've been inspired to plant most of it with native trees.”
“It inspired me to do the trample dance around the native trees we planted a few years ago. I also feel reenergised to take environmental action.”
“A most inspiring, moving, uplifting, hopeful and potent documentary that will inspire generations to come. So honoured to receive this today.”
“Beta, once again a great production. Love the sense of humour you always add in your movies.”
“Really enjoyed the film. Should be shared to every TY student.”
“The film and Q&A really seemed to resonate with the rural audience in Roscommon and the conversation afterward was incredibly interesting with the reflections and input from local farmers and families.”
“I loved the documentary. I thought the theme was timely and very relevant, the script was engaging and poetic, and the cinematography absolutely stunning.”
“This wonderful documentary should be shown as widely as possible. Beautiful film, full of hope and wonder!”
“Thank you for the spiritual reawakening of my connection with trees and a reminder that small matters, small ripples.”
“It's great to hear directly from real farmers, they are doing the best they know how and need to be supported by government and more understanding by us and not vilified for trying to make a living.”
“It is such a beautiful, life-changing work. I am so grateful it exists.”
“Really beautiful film and engages the head and the heart. Calls to the wild child in all of us and makes us see trees as living rather than a resource to be used.”
“It showcased an example of taking steps in whichever way you can, and this was inspiring as the topic of biodiversity, environment and global warming is too large for one person to address. It was hopeful.”
“I already include trees in all my garden designs for clients but I will concentrate on more native species now.”
“I will redouble efforts to raise funding for planting native trees through The Nature Trust.”
“I want to find out more about biodiversity and to encourage within my own gardening.”
“I want to plant more native species in urban spaces.”
“I would like to create a small biodiversity patch in my back garden.”
Interested in screening for your community? The film is half an hour long and it can be tied with panel discussion or a workshop connecting your audience to nature. Suitable for all ages, the film has IFCO G certificate.